(647) 221-5516

Obtaining a complete history is the very important first step in diagnosing your pet’s illness. You know your pet best. Dr. Barb and Dr. Robert will listen to your concerns and work with you to decide the next best steps to determine a diagnostic and treatment plan.
A physical exam is a very important second step. Houghton House Calls carries the necessary exam tools, like stethoscope (to listen to your pet’s heart and lungs), an otoscope (to look in ears), an ophthalmoscope (to look in eyes), a tonometer (to measure eye pressures) and a MAP machine (to measure blood pressure). Watching your pet in their natural environment can also be beneficial. Seeing how they move, react, behave in the home can provide important information.

Sometimes tests are necessary. These tests can be helpful to determine the cause of illness or to help find problems early and prevent or slow further progression. The doctors are able to take blood and run urine tests within the comfort of your home.
If tests like X-rays or ultrasound are required Houghton Vet House Calls work with a local clinic to provide these services.
Medication Prescription
Houghton Vet House Calls can prescribe a full range of medication for your pet and deliver them to your home.

Vaccination is the cornerstone of preventative medicine. Each pet faces unique threats as well as common risks and can benefit from vaccines based on their particular risks and needs. Dr Curran and Dr Houghton will be happy to have an open discussion about the risks and benefits of each vaccination and come up with an individual vaccination plan for your pet.

Flea, Tick, HeartWorm Prevention
Parasite prevention can be prescribed to your pet. Dr. Robert and Dr. Barb will be happy to have a discussion to determine risk and necessity of preventive medicine for your individual pet’s needs.

Palliative/End-of-life Care
Dr. Barb and Dr. Robert have considerable experience in palliative and end of life care. Knowing if and when euthanasia is necessary is probably the most difficult decision you will ever have to make. Dr Robert and Dr. Barb will be able to guide you through this challenging decision making process. If on-going treatment is possible then they can help decide what treatment options may help to improve and extend a good quality of life. These options can include, but are not limited to, pain medications, anti-anxiety medications as well as environmental management.
In-home Euthanasia
When euthanasia is deemed necessary, Dr. Robert or Dr. Barbara will guide you through the process with a calm and gentle manner to ensure you and your pet are comforted and supported throughout the experience.
One of the hardest decisions we ever have to make in our lives is to choose the time of our pet’s death. As much as our hearts hate to face the loss, we know that eventually each pet’s life will come to an end, once all our best efforts to diagnose, treat, medicate, manage or cure have been exhausted. When we cannot cure, and can no longer provide comfort and ease, the kindest action is to end the suffering in the gentlest way, with medications that can take away pain and awareness. We strive to make the actual euthanasia process as comfortable and peaceful and private as possible so you can look back with no regrets, and feel that you were able to comfort and care for your special friend right to the end.
We review your pet’s medical records and discuss your pet’s condition and help you determine what level of assistance you need from us, from quality of life assessments to palliative care management or ultimately to assisted dying through euthanasia. We can also make all the cremation arrangements for aftercare of your pet’s body.